Friday, September 30, 2011

Turkey Baby!

So....Turkey officially feels like forever ago. But because of midterm studying im a bit late, sorry! Here are some reasons why Turkey is one of my new favorite places. 

1.Paprika Pringles- that's right $4 pringles but i don't regret it one bit! 
2.Beyaz Magnum bars
3. Beautiful sights
4. Bon Fire on the Beach
5. Trying new foods-They brought us out a fish bones and all, it wasn't too bad either. 

We went all over Turkey literally-we started in Istanbul, traveled to Troy, Assos, Pergamon, Ephesus, Melatis, Heirapolis, Iznik, Bursa, and then back to Istanbul. We had hotels they really treated us well some were 5 star hotels and then the others were 3/4 stars.  Not too shabby!

Here were a couple of my favorite stops in Turkey...

I loved the city of Istanbul, it was beautiful.  We went on a really pretty boat ride to look at all the land to see both the Europe side and Asia side of Turkey.  It was such a fun city with so many beautiful buildings like the Hagia Sophia, the Blue Mosque, and a great place to buy baklava!
This is one of the cities Paul visited on his missionary journey.  It is such a cute little place... we had to walk up this steep cobblestone pathway with these people selling their handmade trinkets. When we got to the top it was so beautiful it had a nice a breezy, with a great outlook of the Aegean sea, and beautiful ruins. It was one of my favorite places! 
Pergamon was an experience I will never forget.. While we are on the top of Pergamon a sudden downpour of rain happened and in about 5 seconds we were all drenched head to foot. But that didnt stop us (even if the doctor wanted it too) we still went to all the different ruins and alters that were built upon Pergamon, which were amazing.  It probably wouldnt have been such a big deal if we didnt have about a 3-6 hour buss ride of us and we were all soaking wet! After we came down from the mount we had to make a stop and get out all of our luggage and change.  At the gas station we changed at I had a guy ask me if I wanted to have a ride in his new car, no worries mom I said no (this happens a lot to all of the girls)! 

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